Wilton Course 1, Class 4

I “graduated” last night from Wilton Course 1: Discover Cake Decorating. I had so much fun with this class, and was very pleased with my final cake:

When we learned “THE ROSE” last week in class, I was awful. I couldn’t remember which way to hold the tip or spin the flower nail and as a result, well, they weren’t the prettiest ๐Ÿ˜‰ So I made a batch of icing for the sole purpose of practicing the rose. I probably made upwards of 40 roses just to practice, and it really did help, as I think I definitely improved! A closer look at the rose spray on my cake:

Last night, in addition to putting together our final cake, we also learned how to make sweet peas and leaves. I loved them both! The sweet peas are so cute and the leaves were a lot of fun to make. A close up of one of my sweet peas:

I have already signed up for Course 2 and will be starting when we get back from vacation in a few weeks (the instructor was nice enough to push back the start date of the next class so that I only missed the first overview class!). I can’t wait to learn all of the different flowers!

16 Responses

  1. I’ve been patiently waiting… It is gorgeous! Those roses look perfect!

  2. So amazing! It looks great!!!!! I really think you have a knack for this. You obviously have the love, but the talent is definitely there as well. It’s beautiful!

  3. Ha, you made me think you were horrible at roses, those roses are everything BUT horrible. They look amazingly good! Practice makes perfect. Congratulations on your graduation. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Wow! This looks amazing….like something you would pay a lot of money for in a bakery!! Congratulations on graduating….It looks like you’ve learned SO much! Its beautiful!

  5. BEAUTIFUL, Chelley!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope my cake just comes close to what yours is!! Congrats!

  6. ::cue graduation music::
    Happy Graduation! Your final cake looks lovely. You are definitely the model student making 40+ roses. I wish I could say I practiced even half that many but obviously thats why yours look perfect! Great job!

  7. You blow me away! This sure looks amazing! I could never ever do this. Congratulations.

  8. Gorgeous Chelle! You did a fantastic job! You should be very proud. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. So pretty! I love the sweetpea too – it’s just so simple and beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing what you make in Course 2! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. You did good. Your roses are perfection.

  11. So gorgeous! Be proud!

  12. I think your roses are fantastic!

  13. Your cake is beautiful! I love your rose’s slightly ruffled edge. I think they look authentic and delicate.
    … and the cake, delicious!
    As Gretchen said, be proud! You’ve done a fabulous job!!

  14. that looks great!!!! The roses are cool when you get the hang of them! I have signed up for course 2 as well

  15. the roses are beautiful!

  16. Wow, congratulations. That is just the prettiest cake I have seen in a long time. So delicate it just makes me smile.

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